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POOL STATUS: closed for the season
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We have had reports of payment processing issues for Safari users and are working on a resolution.  If you encounter issues, please try Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Browser.
Need Support? Email - webmaster@lowryswimclub.org


Off Season Job Information


We always love starting off the season by hiring new and amazing people to join our team. We will post information pertaining to jobs for the 2025 season sometime in late March or early April. We politely request that you refrain from contacting us about a job opportunity, including but not limited to emails with resumes or expressing an intent to work for the pool until the hiring season begins.

If you are a parent who has a child interested in working for us, please have the child contact us directly when the hiring season begins.

Please note, any applicant or applicant's parent who fails to abide by these requests, can result in an automatic disqualification of any applicaition received. 

Thank you and have a great fall, winter and spring!